András Némethi (Budapest, Hungary)

Normal Surface Singularities

Lecture 1: Resolutions of normal surface singularities
dual resolution graphs;
Hirzebruch-Jung singularities, other examples;
embedded dual resolution graphs;
plane curve singularities, other examples.
Lecture 2: The link of normal surface singularities
the link as plumbed 3-manifold;
the homology of the link.
Lecture 3: The resolution graph of suspension singularities
Jung's method;
the algorithm;
Lecture 4: Cyclic covers
Milnor fibrations of germs;
cyclic coverings of graphs;
universal cyclic covering of an embedded resolution graph;
connections with the monodromy action.


1. A. Némethi, Resolution graphs of some surface singularities, I. (cyclic coverings), AMS Conference, San Antonio 1999 Contemporary Math. 266, Singularities and Analytic Geometry (C.G. Melles and R.I. Michler eds.), 2000, 129-164.