Useful maps and FLINS tips


Please print and take with you a copy of the University Map to locate the "Ciudad Universitaria" Metro exit (Sunday afternoon tours departure site), the "Museo del Traje" restaurant (Welcome Reception on Sunday evening) and the Conference site (Maths building, Monday morning). If you are not joining us for any Sunday tour (departures from the "Ciudad Universitaria" Metro exit), but you are willing to join the Welcome Reception at the "Museo del Traje" restaurant, the Metro-Welcome Reception Map can also be useful for you.

The best way to reach the FLINS 2008 Conference site (Maths building) from the airport is by Metro: take Line 8 to "Nuevos Ministerios" (7th station) and change to Line 6, direction "Cuatro Caminos"; get off on "Ciudad Universitaria" (4th station, but take care since Line 6 is the Circular Line, and if you take the opposite direction it will take you a long time to reach "Ciudad Universitaria"). When you get out in "Ciudad Universitaria" follow the main street, Avenida Complutense street, right  towards the "Facultad de Matemáticas" building. DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE WITH YOU A PRINTED COPY OF THE Metro-Conference Site Map we have included in the web.

Please read carefully the FLINS 2008 TIPS document we have prepared to help you and do not forget to take with you a copy of the University Map to locate the "Ciudad Universitaria" Metro exit (Sunday aftenoon tours departure site), the "Museo del Traje" Restaurant (Welcome Reception on Sunday evening) and the Mathematics building (Conference Site ).

For a better location of all FLINS 2008 main sites, please click Google Maps and find

A.- Conference site: Mathematics building ("Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas")

B.- Closest Metro station: Metro "Ciudad Universitaria"

C.- Welcome reception restaurant: Bokado, at the "Museo del Traje" (Avenida de Juan de Herrera, 2)

D.- Student residence "Colegio Mayor Santa Teresa" (Avenida de Séneca, 12)

E.- Hotel NH ARGÜELLES (Calle Vallehermoso, 65)

F.- Hotel TIROL (Calle Marqués de Urquijo, 4)

G.- Hotel NH ALBERTO AGUILERA (Calle Alberto Aguilera, 18)

H.- Gala dinner restaurant: "Florida Park" ( Pº República de Panamá 1, inside the Parque del Retiro, Menéndez Pelayo entrance, in front of Ibiza street)

I.- Hotel AYRE GRAN HOTEL COLON (Calle Pez Volador, 1-11)