Special Sessions


Instructions for special sessions proposals: If you would like to organize a special session at FLINS 2008 , please contact flins2008 at mat.ucm.es as soon as possible.

Proposals for Special Sessions should be submitted by December 15, 2007.

Each proposal should give a half page description of the session title, topic and four invited authors who have agreed. In general, each special session has four to six papers. Papers submitted to special sessions will go through the normal reviewing process.

All papers being accepted for special sessions will be included in the proceedings.

Authors intending to present a papers at any of the FLINS special session listed below should submit their paper directly to the organizers of the special session.  An additional copy can be submitted to the FLINS organising committee by means of the automatic submission system,  http://www.mat.ucm.es/congresos/flins2008/ , specifying in the Comments to Chair box the special session the paper is being sent to.

At this moment, the following FLINS 2008 special sessions have been proposed or approved (please note that paper submission deadline has been extended to January 31, 2008):