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 María Isabel Garrido

María Isabel Garrido Carballo

Position: Profesora titular de universidad (Associate professor)

Department of Geometry and Topology, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)

Programme MATPUR

e-mail: maigarri@mat.ucm.es

Research interests:

  • Approximation Theory.
  • Topological methods in functional spaces.
  • Functions on metric spaces and manifolds.
  • Banach-Stone type theorems.

Main recent publications:

  • M.I. Garrido and J.A. Jaramillo: Lipschitz-type functions on metric spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340 (2008), no. 1, 282-290.

  • M.I. Garrido, J.A. Jaramillo and Y. Rangel: Algebras of differentiable functions on Riemannian manifolds, to appear in Bulletin London Mathematical Society.



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