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José María Maroto Fernández

Profesor Contratado Doctor (Associate Professor)
Department of Statistics and Operational Research II

School of Economics and Business Administration

Complutense University of Madrid

Programme Non Specific Interdisciplinary Activites


PhD in Economics since 2004. Academic visitor at Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration (SNF), Bergen (1+1 months), Southern Methodist University (SMU), Dallas (3 months), and Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Bergen (3+1 months).

Research interests

My primary research interests are in developing stochastic dynamic optimization bioeconomic models. More recently, my research has focused on detection of depensatory population dynamics which might be linked to the lack of recovery of collapsed species. The existence and stability of Equilibrium vs. collapse in age-structured models, has also recently been the subject of my research. At present, my primary research interest is in constructing a bridge between continuous and discrete-time bioconomic models to analyze the complex phenomenon of seasonality in real world fisheries.

Contact details


Selected Publications

  • Kvamsdal, S., Maroto, J.M., Morán, M., and Sandal, L.K., 2017. A bridge between continuous and discrete-time bioeconomic models: Seasonality in fiheries. Ecological Modelling 364C, 124-131. https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1VqZX15DJ~pkA0
  • Maroto, J.M., Moran, M., 2014. Detecting the presence of depensation in collapsed fisheries: The case of the Northern cod stock. Ecological Economics 97, 101-109.
  • Maroto, J.M., Moran, M., Sandal, L.K., Steinshamn, S.I., 2012. Potential Collapse in Fisheries with Increasing Returns and Stock-dependent Costs. Marine Resource Economics 27, 43-63.
  • Maroto, J.M., Moran, M., 2008. Increasing marginal returns and the danger of collapse of commercially valuable fish stocks. Ecological Economics 68, 422-428.