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Pascal Bégout
Position: Assistant Professor
Université Tolouse I - Capitole, France
Institut de Mathčmatiques de Tolouse et CeReMath
e-mail: Pascal.Begout@univ-tlse1.fr
site: http://math.univ-tlse1.fr/index.php?membre=begout
Visiting IMI from December 8th, to 15th, 2009.

Research interests:

  • Global existence for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
  • Blow-up phenomena for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
  • Asymptotic behavior for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
  • Stabilization - Controllability

Main recent publications:

  • Begout, P., "An interolation inequality and its application to the stabilization of damped equations", in collaboration with Fernando Soria, J. Differ. Equations, 240(2) 324-356 (2007)
  • Bčgout, P., "Mass concentration phenomena for L2-critical nonlinear Schöringer equation", in collaboration with Ana Vargas (UAM), Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 359(11) 5257-5282 (2007)
  • Bégout, P., "On non linear Schrödinger equation with a lozalizing effect", in collaboration with Jesús Ildefonso Díaz, C.R. Acad. Paris, Ser. I, 342, 459-463 (2006)
  • Bégout, P., "Maximum decay rate for finite-energy solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger equations", Differential Integral Equation, 17,(11-12), 1411-1422 (2004)



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