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$%T. Recio and J. R. Sendra, A really elementary proof of real Lüroth’s Theorem, Rev. Mat. Univ. Complut. Madrid 10 (1997), supplementary, 283290. %$

A Really Elementary Proof of Real Lüroth’s Theorem
Dpto. de Matemáticas
Universidad de Cantabria
Santander 39071 Spain
Dpto. de Matemáticas
Universidad de Alcalá
Madrid 28871 Spain


Classical Lüroth theorem states that every subfield K  of K(t)  , where t  is a transcendental element over K  , such that K  strictly contains K  , must be K= K(h(t))  , for some non constant element h(t)  in K(t)  . Therefore, K  is K  -isomorphic to K(t)  . This result can be proved with elementary algebraic techniques, and therefore it is usually included in basic courses on field theory or algebraic curves. In this paper we study the validity of this result under weaker assumptions: namely, if K  is a subfield of C(t)  and K  strictly contains R  (R  the real field, C  the complex field), when does it hold that K  is isomorphic to R(t)  ? Obviously, a necessary condition is that K  admits an ordering. Here we prove that this condition is also sufficient, and we call such statement the Real Lüroth’s Theorem. There are several ways of proving this result (Riemann’s theorem, Hilbert-Hurwitz (1890)), but we claim that our proof is really elementary, since it does require just same basic background as in the classical version of Lüroth’s.

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14H05, 14P05.