Vol. 11 Num. 1, 1998 

A-realcompact spaces
Mosco convergence of sequences of homogeneous polynomials 
Pawel KOLWICZ and Ryszard PLUCIENNIK P-convexity of Musielak-Orlicz function spaces of Bochner type
On prequojections and their duals 
  Mohammed YAHDI The topological complexity of sets of convex differentiable functions
 Pino CABALLERO GIL and Amparo FÚSTER SABATER Estudio de algunas secuencias pseudoaleatorias de aplicación criptográfica
  Sixto RÍOS Algunos progresos y problemas en la Ciencia de la Decisión
Alberto CAVICCHIOLI and Friedrich HEGENBARTH On pseudo-isotopy classes of homeomorphisms of # (S1´Sn
Rubén A. HIDALGO An example of degeneration on the noded Schottky space
Alessandro TANCREDI and Alberto TOGNOLI On the relative Nash approximation of analytic maps
Luca ESPOSITO and Giuseppe MINGIONE Some remarks on the regularity of weak solutions of degenerate elliptic systems
Luz DE TERESA Exact controllability of the radial solutions of the semilinear wave equation in R3