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$%C. M. Edwards and R. V. Hügli, Decoherence in pre-symmetric spaces, Rev. Mat. Complut. 21 (2008), no. 1, 219–249.%$
Decoherence in Pre-symmetric Spaces
C. Martin EDWARDS and Remo V. HÜGLI
The Queen’s College
Oxford — United Kingdom

University College
Dublin — Ireland


Received: May 14, 2007
Accepted: October 8, 2007


Pre-symmetric complex Banach spaces have been proposed as models for state spaces of physical systems. A structural projection on a pre-symmetric space A* represents an operation on the corresponding system, and has as its range a further pre-symmetric space which represents the state space of the resulting system and symmetries of the system are represented by elements of the group Aut(A*)  of linear isometries of A* . Two structural projections R  and S  on the pre-symmetric space A* represent decoherent operations when their ranges are rigidly collinear. It is shown that, for decoherent elements x  and y  of A* , there exists an involutive element ϕ* in Aut(A *)  which conjugates the structural projections corresponding to x  and y  , and conditions are found for ϕ
 * to exchange x  and y  . The results are used to investigate when certain subspaces of A* are the ranges of contractive projections and, therefore, represent systems arising from filtering operations.

Key words: JBW* -triple, pre-symmetric space, decoherence, involutive grading, exchange automorphism.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46L70; Secondary 17C65, 81P15.