Vol. 10 Num. 1, 1997

Maurizio B. S. LAPORTA
A short intervals result for linear equations in two prime variables 
Ali O. ASAR and Ahmet ARIKAN
On minimal non CC-groups  
Gabriel D. VILLA-SALVADOR and Martha RZEDOWSKI-CALDERÓN Galois module structure of generalized Jacobians 
Noureddine AÏSSAOUI
Bessel potentials in Orlicz spaces 
  Manuel VALDIVIA On certain compact topological spaces 
 Radu ZAHAROPOL On invariant elements for positive operators 
  Isabel OITAVEM New recursive characterizations of the elementary functions and the functions computable in polynomial space 
Maria Rita CASALI An equivalence criterion for 3-manifolds
Marco MANETTI Automorphisms of generic cycles covers 
Aleksei TRALLE Rational models of solvmanifolds with Kählerian structures 
Xiting LIANG and Zaide WU Local boundedness for solutions of doubly nonlinear parabolic equations