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$%V. P. Kostov, Root arrangements of hyperbolic polynomial-like functions, Rev. Mat. Complut. 19 (2006), no. 1, 197225.%$

Root Arrangements of Hyperbolic Polynomial-like Functions
Vladimir Petrov KOSTOV
Université de Nice
Laboratoire de Mathématiques
Parc Valrose
06108 Nice Cedex 2 France

Received: March 3, 2005
Accepted: December 12, 2005
To Prof. A. Galligo

A real polynomial P  of degree n  in one real variable is hyperbolic if its roots are all real. A real-valued function P  is called a hyperbolic polynomial-like function (HPLF) of degree n  if it has n  real zeros and  (n)
P  vanishes nowhere. Denote by  (i)
xk  the roots of   (i)
P  , k = 1,...,n- i  , i= 0,...,n- 1  . Then in the absence of any equality of the form

x(j)= x(l)
 i    k

one has

         (i)   (j)   (i)
 A i< j  xk < xk  <xk+j-i

(the Rolle theorem). For n > 4  (resp. for n >5  ) not all arrangements without equalities (1) of n(n + 1)/2  real numbers x(ki)  and compatible with (2) are realizable by the roots of hyperbolic polynomials (resp. of HPLFs) of degree n  and of their derivatives. For n = 5  and when x(11)< x(12)< x(31)< x(23) <x(31)< x(14)  we show that from the 40  arrangements without equalities (1) and compatible with (2) only 16  are realizable by HPLFs (from which 6  by perturbations of hyperbolic polynomials and none by hyperbolic polynomials).

Key words: hyperbolic polynomial, polynomial-like function, root arrangement, configuration vector.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: