Full paper in PDF format:
$%M. Barile, On binomial set-theoretic complete intersections in characteristic p, Rev. Mat. Complut. 21 (2008), no. 1, 265–282.%$

On Binomial Set-Theoretic Complete Intersections in Characteristic p
Margherita BARILE
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Bari
Via E. Orabona 4
70125 Bari — Italy


Received: September 9, 2007
Accepted: October 15, 2007


Using arithmetic conditions on affine semigroups we prove that for a simplicial toric variety of codimension 2  the property of being a set-theoretic complete intersection on binomials in characteristic p  holds either for all primes p  , or for no prime p  , or for exactly one prime p  .

Key words: toric variety, set-theoretic complete intersection, affine semigroup, p-gluing.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14M10; 13E15, 14M25, 20M05.