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$%J. Taskinen, A continuous surjection from the unit interval onto the unit square, Rev. Mat. Univ. Complut. Madrid 6 (1993), no. 1, 101120.%$

A Continuous Surjection from the Unit Interval Onto the Unit Square
Department of Mathematics
University of Helsinki
Hallituskatu 15
SF-00100 Helsinki Finland

Received: August 28, 1992
Revised: December 10, 1992

We show that there exists a continuous surjection f:I --> I2  which admits an averaging operator in the sense of Pełczyński and which has the additional property that the map  o
f :f '--> f o f  is an isomorphism from     2
Lp(I )  onto a subspace of Lp(I)  , where 1< p <8  .

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 46B20, secondary 54C05.