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R. M. Aron

    Properties of certain sets of functions having special properties

Y. Benyamini

    Nonexpansive Metric Projections in Spaces of Continuous Functions

R. Deville

On the range of the derivative of a Gateaux-smooth mapping between Banach spaces

M. Fabian

         Weakly compactly generated spaces and their relatives

T. W. Gamelin

         Composition Operators on Uniform Algebras

G. Godefroy

    Some Recent Results on Hypercyclic Operators

      B. C. Grecu

    Schauder Bases for Symmetric Tensor Products

L. A. Harris

    Holomorphic Functions on Domains in Operator Spaces

J. A. Jaramillo

         Polynomial Topologies on a Banach Space

R. Perez-Marco

         KAM theory in Infinite Dimensional Spaces

R. A. Ryan

    Polynomials on Banach Spaces with Unconditional Schauder Bases

I. Zalduendo

    Integral Representation of Holomorphic Functions on Banach Spaces