
Please note that there is a first author registration form, complusory if your paper has been accepted for publication in the FLINS proceedings. A second attendant registration form should be also fulfilled by every attendant, included those that submitted the previous author registration form.


Author registration fee

Author registration fee is 490 euro, to be received by April 15, 2008.

Students receive a discount of 100 euro, provided that a copy of their Student ID card is sent with author's registration form. Student ID card will be required at conference venue. In order to apply to this discount, student should sign as first author.

Each accepted paper should be covered by a conference registration. In case of extra accepted papers without any additional registration, a fee of 100 euro applies for each additional paper (without an additional copy of the proceedings).

Invited session chairs will receive a discount of 100 euro at the conference venue.

In order to be included in the FLINS 2008 proceedings, an appropriate author's registration form and payment for accepted paper must be received by April 15, 2008.

Please note that attendance is also mandatory to receive the proceedings (you must attend the conference and present your paper in order to receive a copy of the conference proceedings). Please note also that FLINS 2008 cannot provide an invitation letter to non-authors attendees.

An additional attendant registration form should be sent by July 15, 2008, in order to make effective the free insurance policy subscribed by FLINS at the name of each attendant, at least in order to choose Sunday guided visit (either Toledo or Madrid) and confirm participation at Tuesday gala dinner with show.


Additional paper fees:

What does the author's registration fee include ?

Author registration fees (those received by April 15, 2008) include:

A free insurance policy at the name of attendant will be subcribed by FLINS once the attendant registration form is received by July 15, 2008.

Hotel accomodation is not included in the fee.

How to register

Please, complete the FLINS 2008 author registration form by April 15, 2008 (if author) plus attendant registration form by July 15, 2008, both in CAPITAL LETTERS, and return it to:

Patricia González, FLINS 2008 Management, Viajes El Corte Inglés, C/ Princesa, 47 – 6º (28008 Madrid , Spain)

Either by fax to: +34 91 559 47 89 . Or send it by e-mail to: flins2008 at


Late registration and accompanying persons

Please note that no paper will be included in the FLINS 2008 proceedings if the registration fee has not been properly received by April 15, 2008.

Late registration for attendants and accompanying persons will be possible by fullfiling the attendant registration form, at the same rate but without a copy of proceedings.

All attendants (including authors) and accompanying persons should register by July 15, 2008, by sending the attendant registration form, once complete, to the above address (but their registration fee will not include a copy of the FLINS 2008 conference proceedings if they not have paid the author registration fee by April 15, 2008).

Late regular and student registration fee includes attendance to all sessions, Sunday guided visit (either Toledo or Madrid) and welcome reception, lunches and coffee breaks from Monday to Wednesday, Tuesday conference dinner and show, insurance policy and other conference facilities (but a copy of the conference proceedings is not guaranteed).

Accompanying person fee includes Sunday guided visit (either Toledo or Madrid), Sunday welcome reception, Tuesday conference dinner and show, an insurance policy and some conference facilities (see conference web page for details).

All fees mentioned include taxes.

Please do not delay your reservation for accomodation (see accomodation) by fulfilling and sending as soon as possible the attendant registration form, since the number of rooms we booked for FLINS attendants is limited.