Full paper in PDF:
$%F. Ronga, A. Tognoli, and T. Vust, The number of conics tangent to five given conics: the real case, Rev. Mat. Univ. Complut. Madrid 10 (1997), no. 2, 391421.%$

The Number of Conics Tangent to Five Given Conics: the Real Case
Felice RONGA, Alberto TOGNOLI,
and Thierry VUST
Section de Mathématiques
Université de Genève
C.P. 240, CH-1211
Genéve 24 Switzerland
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi
Via Sommarive 14
I-38050 Povo (Trento) Italy
Section de Mathématiques
Université de Genève
C.P. 240, CH-1211
Genéve 24 -- Switzerland


It is a classical result, first established by de Jonquières (1859), that generically the number of conics tangent to 5 given conics in the complex projective plane is 3264. We show here the existence of configurations of 5 real conics such that the number of real conics tangent to them is 3264.

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14P25, 14N10.