Vol. 16 Num. 1, 2003

Charles T. C. WALL The geometry of abstract groups and their splittings
Thomas BAYER Algorithms for the computation of moduli spaces for semiquasihomogeneous singularities
Thomas BRÉLIVET Topologie des fonctions régulières et cycles évanescents
Serge NICAISE and Ouahiba ZAÏR
Identifiability, stability and reconstruction results of point sources by boundary measurements in heteregeneous trees 
Tania NUNES RABELLO, Maria Cristina CAMPOS VIEIRA, Cicero LOPES FROTA, and Luis ADAUTO MEDEIROS Small vertical vibrations of strings with moving ends
Long-time dynamics of an integro-differential equation describing the evolution of a spherical flame
Rozenn TEXIER-PICARD and Vitaly A. VOLPERT Reaction-diffusion-convection problems in unbounded cylinders 
Willi FREEDEN, Thorsten MAIER, and Steffen ZIMMERMANN A survey on wavelet methods for (geo) applications
 Vlasta MATIJEVIC Classifying finite-sheeted covering mappings of paracompact spaces
José María MONTESINOS-AMILIBIA Uncountably many wild knots whose cyclic branched covering are S3
Eusebio GÓMEZ, Miguel A. GÓMEZ-VILLEGAS, and J. Miguel MARÍN A survey on continuous elliptical vector distributions