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$%E. Bisognin, Hyperbolic parabolic equations with nonlinearity of Kirchoff-Carrier type, Rev. Mat. Univ. Complut. Madrid 8 (1995), no. 2, 401430.%$

Hyperbolic Parabolic Equations with Nonlinearity of Kirchoff-Carrier Type
Department of Mathematics
Federal University of Santa Maria
97119-900 Santamaria Brazil

Received: September 9, 1993
Revised: August 19, 1994

In this work we study the existence of local solutions for the Cauchy problem of the hyperbolic-parabolic equation

(K1u')'+K2u'+ Au + M(t,| A 2u|2)Au =f.

We represent by A  a self-adjoint, positive linear operator of a Hilbert space, M  is a real C1  -function with time dependence, such that M(t,j)> 0  for all (t,j) (-  [0,T]× [0, oo [  and K1  , K2  are real functions defined on [0,T]  satisfying the conditions, K1(t)> 0  and K2(t)> d0 > 0  .

The existence of local solution for (*) is proved by Diagonalization Theorem.

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35K45, 35L15.