Santaló Lecturer
The School of Mathematics, in
collaboration with Revista Matemática Complutense, created
in 2002 the figure of Santaló Lecturer. Such a position is
occupied each year by an invited distinguished professor (proposed
by the Editorial Board of RMC and ratified by the Faculty Council)
asked to submit an article to the Journal and give a colloquium
lecture about it.
- October 7, 2002, Charles T. C. Wall (University of
Liverpool): The geometry of abstract groups
and their splittings.
- October 7, 2003, Jack K. Hale (Georgia Institute of
Technology): Stability in
gradient systems.
- October 6, 2004, Hans Triebel
(Friedrich-Schiller-Universität): The recent theory of function
spaces on Euclidian spaces, fractals, and quasi-metric
- October 7, 2005, Marcelo Viana (Istituto de
Matematica Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro): Dinámica en el
espacio de diferenciales abelianas.
- October 3, 2006, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan (McMaster
University, Ontario):
Permanents, order statistics, outliers, and robustness.
- October 4, 2007, Nigel Kalton (University of Missouri,
Columbia): The nonlinear
geometry of Banach spaces.
- October 16, 2008, Alfio Quarteroni (Ecole
Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne): Mathematical models for
technology, medicine, and sport.
- October 8, 2009, David E. Edmunds (University
of Sussex): Embeddings,
Hardy operators and nonlinear problems.
- October 7, 2010, Giuseppe
(Universitŕ di Pisa): Spectral Optimization Problems
- October 6, 2011, Juan Luis
Vázquez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): Mathematical Theories of Heat and
- October 18, 2012, Eduard Feireisl (Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic): Mathematics
of fluids in motion.
- October 10, 2013, Nigel Hitchin (Oxford University):
Complex and Quaternionic Differential Geometry.
- October 16, 2014, Lajos Horváth (University of Utah):
Statisitcal Inference from Curves
- October 8, 2015, Hélčne Esnault (Freie Unversität Berlin):
Fundamental Groups in Algebraic Geometry
- October 20, 2016, Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Sup Pisa): Well
posednessof ODE's and continuity equations with nonsmooth
vector fields and applications
- October 26, 2017, Ignacio Cirac (Max Planck Institute
of Quantum Optics): Quantum
Information technologies
- October 4, 2018, Bernd Sturmfels (Max Planck
Institute of Mathematics in the Sciences): Learning
Algebraic Varieties from Samples
- October 3, 2019, Noel Cressie (National Institute for
Applied Statistics Research in Australia, University of
Wollongong), Atmospheric carbon and the statistical
science of measuring, mapping, and uncertainty quantification
- June 25, 2021, MŞ Dolores Ugarte (Universidad Publica de Navarra), On spatio-temporal confounding
in areal models with a data analysis
on gender-based violence
- September 30, 2021, Carolyn Gordon (Darmouth College), Detecting (or not!) geometry and
topology from spectral data