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$% J. Huisman, Real cubic hypersurfaces and group laws, Rev. Mat. Complut. 17 (2004), 395401.%$

Real Cubic Hypersurfaces and Group Laws

Johannes HUISMAN
Département de Mathématiques
UFR Sciences et Techniques
Université de Bretagne Occidentale
6, avenue Victor Le Gorgeu
B.P. 809
29285 Brest Cedex France

Received: January 20, 2003
Accepted: Febrero 19, 2004

Let X  be a real cubic hypersurface in Pn  . Let C  be the pseudo-hyperplane of X  , i.e., C  is the irreducible global real analytic branch of the real analytic variety X(R)  such that the homology class [C]  is nonzero in Hn -1(Pn(R),Z/2Z)  . Let L be the set of real linear subspaces L  of Pn  of dimension n- 2  contained in X  such that L(R)  (_  C  . We show that, under certain conditions on X  , there is a group law on the set L . It is determined by      '   ''
L +L  +L  = 0  in L if and only if there is a real hyperplane H  in  n
P  such that            '   ''
H .X = L+ L + L . We also study the case when these conditions on X  are not satisfied.

Key words: real cubic hypersurface, real cubic curve, real cubic surface, pseudo-hyperplane, pseudo-line, pseudo-plane, linear subspace, group.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification:
14J70, 14P25.