Stochastic Modelling Group

María Teresa Rodríguez Bernal


María Teresa Rodríguez Bernal
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Faculty of Mathematics
Complutense University of Madrid
28040 Madrid, Spain

Fax:        +34 913944606
Phone:    +34 913944424


    I received my Ph. D. degree in Mathematics from the Autonoma University of Madrid (UCM), Spain, in 1999. Since 1994 I have been teaching in the Autonoma University of Madrid, Carlos III University of Madrid and Complutense University of Madrid, where I hold a position of Associate Professor ('Prof. Contratado Doctor') since 2006. My research interest includes Stochastic Biological Models and Bayesian Statistics.

Short curriculum vitae

Educational background
Scientific interests
Research projects
Participation in international conferences

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Stochastic Modelling Group  Click here