Abad Reigadas, Carlos. ICMAT
On the behavior of the multiplicity on algebraic varieties and Rees algebras
Anguas, Luis Miguel. UC3M
Eigenvalue Condition Numbers of Polynomial Eigenvalue Problems under Möbius Transformations
Arévalo, Irina. UAM
Aron, Richard. Kent
Benito, Angélica. ICMAT
Buelga Sánchez , Carlos. UCM
Cannarsa, Piermarco. U. Roma
de la Cruz Rodríguez, Amauris. UC3M
de la Oliva , Marcos. UAM
De Vicente-Retortillo Rubalcaba, Álvaro. UCM
Characterization of solar radiation on Mars with the Monte-Carlo method
el Berdan, Nada. U. Poitiers
Regularity of solutions and theirs gradients for semi-linear elliptic problem.
Fernández, Eduardo. UCM
Fernández, Sergio. UCM
Fresán, Javier. ETH Zurich
García Ardila, Juan Carlos. UC3M
Christoffel transformations of matrix of measures supported in the real line
Hernández, Veronica. UC3M
Lancien, Cecilia. U. Lion
Lledó, Fernando. UC3M
López Fernández, María. UZH Zurich
Towards time adaptivity for convolution equations arising in wave problems
Makki, Ahmad. U. Poitiers
Study of strongly anisotropic Cahn-Hiliard and Allen-Cahn models
Pascual Deocón, Ignacio. UC3M
Portilla Ferreira, Ana. SLU
Ramírez-Nicolás, María. UCM
Rubio Calzado, Antonio. UCM
Segurado, Alba. UCM