Mars Exploration Science:

Analysis, Modelling and Exploitation of Data

Brief description:

The project MES covers the issues of data analysis, modelling and simulation in the Mars exploration. One key line of research is to accommodate the Earth atmospheric models at different scales to Mars atmosphere, as the success and cost of Mars missions are critically dependent on our knowledge of their atmosphere. The main objective is the exploration and exploitation of data from Martian missions for Modelling the Radiation on Mars Surface; Modelling the Martian Electric and Magnetic Fields and the In Situ Data Analysis of the Martian Ground Temperature and Humidity. This project is deeply involved in the missions to Mars of ESA-Russia: (a) EXOMARS2016, launched recently and where we participate as Co-Is in the instrument ACS (Atmospheric Chemistry Suite) of the orbiter and (b) EXOMARS2020, where we participate as Co-Is in the packet METEO.


Luis Vázquez Martínez (Proffessor, Faculty of Informatics, UCM)
María del Pilar Romero Pérez (Proffessor, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM)
David Usero Mainer (Associate Proffessor, Faculty of Chemistry, UCM)
Salvador Jiménez Burillo (Proffessor, Superior Technical School of Telecommunication Engineering, UPM)
María Pilar Velasco Cebrián (Assistant Proffessor, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM)
Carlos Aguirre Maeso (Assistant Proffessor, School of Informatics, UAM)
Pedro José Pascal Broncano (Associate Proffessor, School of Informatics, UAM)
Gonzalo Barderas Manchado (Proffessor, Faculty of Mathematics, UCM)
Raquel Caro Carretero (Assistant Proffessor, Superior Technical School of Engineering, Universidad Pontífica de Comillas de Madrid)

Expected results:

This project will have a positive impact on the European planetary exploration in general, and on the European Mars exploration efforts in particular through exploitation of existing space science and exploration data inventories. We make use of the data inventories and atmospheric models to produce forecast of the state of the Martian atmosphere to improve the safety of the Mars exploration missions.