MODySIM (Modelisation and Simulation of Some Problems of Physics and Engineering)

1. Exploration of Mars
2. Fractional Calculus and Applications
3. High Pressure Processes and Food Engineering
4. Mathematical modelling in Animal Health
5. Partial Differential Equations in Science and Technology


1. Exploration of Mars

We are participating in the first mission to Mars with Spanish flag (scientific Director: Prof. Luis Vázquez), Meiga-(Mars Environmental Instrumentation for Ground and Atmosphere) Mars-MetNet (Meteorological Network) Precursor Mission. It is a joint mission with Russia and Finland, and will be launched in 2011. Its aim is to place a meteorological station over the surface of Mars. The program is to place in Mars 16 meteorological stations

1.1. Aims of the program

  • Scientific definition of the instruments: Magnetometer, Solar Irradiance sensor and Dust deposited sensor
  • Geodesic studies associated to the landing site
  • Modelization of the Martian Planetary Boundary layer
  • Modelization of Martian magnetic field
  • Simulations linked to the databases of Viking missions. Functional retrieval
  • Data analysis

1.2. Background and previous results

We have participated in the scientific studies concerning the ultraviolet sensors in Beagle 2 and in the development of REMS equipment of Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission of the NASA that will be launched in 2011.

This has generated an important set of national and international activities as well as publications that may be consulted in Regarding the training side of the project, five doctoral theses are in progress, one of them to be presented in a short time

1.3. Challenges

We will work on the above mentioned research topics, bearing in mind that the mission will be launched by the end of 2011.

1.4. Network

The project is running in the framework of the collaboration with the following scientific and technological centres:

  • Research Groups in Schools of Informatics, Mathematics and Physics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
  • Institution Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA).
  • Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI, Finlandia).
  • The Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI, Rusia).
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.
  • Heliophysics Science Division de NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA.
  • Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Department of Michigan University, USA.
  • Instituto de estudios espaciales ISSI, Bern, Switzerland.


2. Fractional Calculus and Applications

The framework of the project is to carry out analytical and numerical basic studies of fractional systems. On the other hand, we consider the application of such systems to technological environments as the materials with shape memory

2.1. Aims of the program

  • To study the transition from parabolic to hyperbolic behaviour using fractional derivative.
  • To analysis the symmetries associated to fractional differential equations
  • • Numerical schemes associated to fractional differential equations.
  • Applications of fractional models in different scientific and technological contexts

2.2. Background and previous results

Previous results can be seen in the following websites: and

Besides the publications and congresses, two doctoral thesis have been presented and a third one is in progress.

2.3. Challenges

  • To develop general numeric schemes to approximate fractional differential equations.
  • Applications of fractional models.

2.4. Network

We collaborate with research groups in the following Spanish Universities:

  • Universidad de La Laguna.
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
  • Universidad de Extremadura.
  • Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.


3. High Pressure Processes and Food Engineering

The framework of the project is to develop mathematical models able to simulate high pressure processes. Mainly in the Food Engineering sector, where a new emerging technology, based on hydrostatic high pressure, is being used in order to prolong food shelf life, preserving organoleptic (flavour, colour, etc...) and nutritional properties.

3.1. Aims of the program

  • Modelling the effects of temperature and Hydrostatic High pressure on microorganisms and enzymes.
  • Solving related inverse problems.
  • Numerical simulation.
  • Optimization and control of processes.

3.2. Background and previous results

Previous results can be seen in the website of the MOMAT Research Group:

Besides the publications and congresses, a doctoral thesis (by Juan-Antonio Infante) has been presented (in December, 2009) and a second one (by Nadia Smith) is in progress.

3.3. Challenges

We will work on the above mentioned research topics, in contact with industrial companies and other research groups in order to:

  • Develop models to solve problems from real life applications
  • Develop numerical schemes to approximate the models
  • Perform optimization of the industrial processes involved in the problems

3.4. Network

The project is running in the framework of:

  • Spanish National project MTM2008-04621/MTM. Principal Investigator: Angel Manuel Ramos del Olmo.
  • I+D Network between Research Groups (Comunidad de Madrid) “Química a alta presión (QUIMAPRES)” S2009/PPQ-1551. Principal Investigator: Valentín García Baonza. Principal Investigator of MOMAT Group: Ángel Manuel Ramos del Olmo.
  • Research Group MOMAT: "Modelos Matemáticos en Ciencia y Tecnología: Desarrollo, Análisis, Simulación Numérica y Control” in School of Mathematics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Principal Investigators: Jesús Ildefonso Díaz Díaz and Ángel Manuel Ramos del Olmo.

The collaboration is with the following scientific, technological centres and companies:

  • Research Group "Altas presiones: Determinación de parámetros espectroscópicos y termodinámicos” in School of Chemistry at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Principal Investigator: Valentín García Baonza.
  • Institute of Refrigeration (CSIC). Principal Investigator: Pedro Dimas Sanz Martínez.
  • Institution Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA). Principal Investigator: Olga Prieto Ballesteros
  • Institute of Material Science of Madrid (CSIC). Principal Investigator: Javier Sánchez Benítez.
  • Research Group "Simluación de Sistemas poliméricos complejos y proteínas” in School of Chemistry at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Principal Investigator: Antonio Rey Gayo
  • Esteban Espuña, S.A. Principal Investigators: Pere Masoliver Terradas and Mónica Gassiot
  • NC Hyperbaric


4. Mathematical modeling in Animal Health

The framework of the project is to develop models able to simulate the evolution of epidemics in Farm animals. For instance we consider the case of Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV).

4.1. Aims of the program

  • Modelling the evolution of epidemics in Farm animals.
  • Solving related inverse problems.
  • Numerical simulation.
  • Validation of the model with real data from Government sources.
  • Optimization and control of processes.
  • Development of software for decision making tasks in Government agencies.

4.2. Background and previous results

Previous results can be seen in the website of the MOMAT Research Group:

Besides the publications and congresses, a doctoral thesis (by Beatriz Martínez-López) has been presented (in December, 2009).

4.3. Challenges

We will work on the above mentioned research topics, in contact with the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food (MAPA) and other research groups in order to:

  • Develop models to solve problems from real life applications.
  • Develop numerical schemes to approximate the models.
  • Develop a software tool for decision making tasks in Government agencies.
  • Perform optimization analysis of the control decisions to be taken by Government agencies.

4.4. Network

The project is running in the framework of:

  • Spanish National project MTM2008-04621/MTM. Principal Investigator: Angel Manuel Ramos del Olmo.
  • Research Group MOMAT: "Modelos Matemáticos en Ciencia y Tecnología: Desarrollo, Análisis, Simulación Numérica y Control” in School of Mathematics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Principal Investigators: Jesús Ildefonso Díaz Díaz and Ángel Manuel Ramos del Olmo.

The collaboration is with the following scientific and Government agencies:

  • Research Group in the Animal Health Department in School of Chemistry at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Principal Investigator: José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno.
  • Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food (MAPA). Principal Investigator: Lucio Carbajo Goñi (General Subdirector of Animal Health)


5. Partial Differential Equations in Science and Technology

5.1. Research topics

  • Models on Natural Resources (Climatology, Glaciology and Geodesy)
    • Coupling between climate (models of energy balance with a deep ocean) and the dynamics of polar icecaps (in Glaciology).
    • Socio-economic aspects of environmental management.
    • Gravity determination (Problem of Backus) in Geodesy.
    • Non-deterministic climate models (volcanoes).
    • Formation of river basins.
    • Plant community patches as localized solutions of a reaction-diffusion system desertification process in southern Spain: a World Coordination Center for the study of desertification is established in Almeria).
  • Problems arising in Elasticity
    • Structures like thin shells and homogenization (Torroja roof of the Hipódromo de la Zarzuela).
    • Singular perturbation problems leading to complexification phenomena arising in certain types of thin elastic shells (unusual solution to the limit problem: it is outside the area of distributions).
    • Coulomb dry friction and their properties.
    • Best column (according Euler).
    • Deformation of the Earth strata by the gravity and magma actions (appearing in Geodynamics).
    • Viscoelastic materials with memory.
  • Free boundary PDEs systems (Fluid Mechanics, Combustion, Control, etc.)
    • Locating free boundaries by energy methods for systems of equations (fluid mechanics, combustion, certain types of non-linear Schrödinger equations, etc.) and higher order equations.
    • Delayed diffusion models (extinction in finite time phenomenon).
  • Singular quasilinear problems and multivalued problems (image processing, lubrication, etc.)
    • Diffusion models under very low regularity assumptions on solutions.
    • Application to Medical Imaging applications (medical MRI patterns,...).
    • Mathematical analysis of the total variation based denoising problem: total variation flows (fast algorithms to solve the variational formulation).
    • Variational methods in Image Processing: application to ill-posed problems (the Perona-Malik equation).
    • Singular terms in reaction-diffusion systems (2-d space charge electron problem or in theThomas-Fermi equation).
    • Models with a not controllable linearized control system and Computational aspects of interfaces (edges of conductors or metal sheets for shielding,…).
5.2. Network and main funding

Partial Differential Equations in Science and Technology, Ref. MTM2008-06208, DGISGP

Research institutions:

  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Applied Mathematics and Astronomy and Geodesy)
  • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETS Arquitectura)
  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Mathematics)
  • Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Applied Mathematics, Medical Images Institute)

Initial Training Networks of the European Commission (Grant Agreement Number 238702), SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME, PEOPLE Work Programme 2008 ”, from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013.

Involved institutions:

  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Applied Mathematics and Astronomy and Geodesy)
  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Université de Paris-Sud XI
  • Sapienza Università di Rome
  • Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
  • Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
  • University of Bath
  • University of Zurich
  • Guigues Environnement
  • Siemens AG
  • Comenius University
  • University of Athens
  • Université Catholique de Louvain
  • Université de Tours



    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Catedrático de universidad (Professor)

Senior and Postdoc:

    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Profesor titular de universidad (Associate professor)
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Catedrático de universidad (Professor)
  • DÍAZ DÍAZ, Gregorio
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Catedrático de universidad (Professor)
  • DÍAZ DÍAZ, Jesús Ildefonso
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Catedrático de universidad (Professor)
  • INFANTE DEL RÍO, Juan Antonio
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Profesor titular de universidad (Associate professor)
  • IVORRA, Benjamín
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Ayudante doctor (Assistant professor)
  • LÓPEZ MONTES, Antonio
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Profesor contratado doctor (Assistant professor)
  • OTERO JUEZ, Jesús
    Departamental section of Astronomy and Geodesy
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Profesor titular de universidad (Associate professor)
  • RAMOS DEL OLMO, Ángel M.
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Profesor titular de universidad (Associate professor)
  • REY CABEZAS, José Mª
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Profesor titular de universidad (Associate professor)
    Departamental section of Astronomy and Geodesy
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Profesora titular de universidad (Associate professor)
  • ROMERO, Pilar
    Departamental section of Astronomy and Geodesy
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Profesora titular de universidad (
    Associate professor)
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Profesor asociado
  • VEGAS MONTANER, José Manuel
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Catedrático de universidad (Professor)

PhD students:

    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Estudiante PhD (Graduate Student)
  • BELLO RIVAS, Juan Manuel
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Estudiante PhD (Graduate Student)
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Estudiante PhD (Graduate Student)
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Estudiante PhD (Graduate Student)
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Estudiante PhD (Graduate Student)
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Estudiante PhD (Graduate Student)
  • SILVA TORRES, Juan José
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Estudiante PhD (Graduate Student)
  • SMITH, Nadia
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Estudiante PhD (Graduate Student)
  • VELASCO CEBRIAN, María Pilar
    Department of Applied Mathematics
    Faculty of Mathematics, UCM (Spain)
    Estudiante PhD (Graduate Student)


  • Seminar
    Un esquema numérico para simular el acoplamiento entre modelos de océano profundo y de balance de energía
    Arturo Hidalgo, ETSI Minas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)
    December 9th, 2010, 11.00 hr.
    Place: meeting room Alberto Dou (209), UCM
    Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT and IMI- Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

  • Seminar
    Fractional calculus and its applications
    Dimitru Baleanu, University of Çankaya (Turkey) / Institute of Space Sciences (Romania)
    November 23rd, 2010, 11.00 hr.
    Place: room Alberto Dou (209), UCM
    Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group “Modelización y Simulación en el Cálculo Fraccionario y de la Atmósfera de Marte” and IMI- Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

  • Exploratory Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of High Pressure Processes
    November 22nd, 2010
    Place: Sala de Juntas (Meeting room 124), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
    Organized by Projects MTM2008-04621/MTM, QUIMAPRES (S2009/PPQ-1551), I-MATH INGENIO MATHEMATICA-Consolider and "MALTA-Consolider" (CSD2007-00045), Research Group MOMAT, and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

  • Seminar
    Algunos avances recientes en el modelado y simulación numérica de grandes masas de hielo
    Carlos Vázquez Cendón, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)
    November 19th, 2010, 11.00 hr.
    Place: room Alberto Dou (209), UCM
    Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT and IMI- Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

  • Seminar
    Large time behavior in a viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation with degenerate diffusion
    Christian Stinner (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
    October 19, 2010, 11.00 hr.
    Place: room Alberto Dou (209), UCM
    Organized by Department of Applied Mathematicas, Research Group MOMAT and IMI- Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

  • UCM Summer Course
    Marte y sus enigmas
    Luis Vázquez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) and Héctor Guerrero, INTA (Spain)
    Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial del Ministerio de Defensa; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Instituto de Investigación P. J. de Lastanosa de la Universidad Carlos III; Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    July 12-16, 2010.
    Place: El Escorial, Madrid, Spain

  • Nonlinear dynamics of water-limited ecosystems
    Ehud Meron, The Institute for Dryland Environmental Research & Physics Department, Ben Gurion University, Israel
    July 13, 2010, at 11.00 hr.
    Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
    Organized by Department of applied mathematics, European research grant FIRST, research group MOMAT, and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

  • Single phytoplankton species growth with light and advection in a water column
    Sze-Bi Hsu, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan
    June 1st, 2010, at 12.00 hr.
    Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
    Organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics (UCM), the Project MTM2009-08259 and IMI-Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
    Photo1- Photo2

  • Basic tools in Mathematical Modelling with PDEs
    Sarah L. Mitchell, MACSI, University of Limerick, Ireland
    April 26 - 30, 2010. First session from 15.00 to 16.40 hr. (the schedule for the following sessions will be decided then)
    Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (Room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
    Organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics and the research group MOMAT in collaboration with the Faculty of Mathematics and IMI-Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

  • Modelización en Química: Aspectos termodinámicos del plegamiento de proteínas mediante métodos de Monte Carlo en modelos simples
    Antonio Rey, Department of Chemistry Physics I, UCM
    March 9, at 12.00 hr.
    Place: Seminar 209 (Alberto Dou), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM

  • Fully discontinuous operators on Banach function spaces and eigenvalue problems
    Jean-Michel Rakotoson, Univ. Poitiers (France)
    February 18, 2010, at 12.00 hr.
    Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
    Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Group MOMAT, and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute
    Photo 1 - Photo 2 - Photo 3

  • "Isolated singularities for elliptic problems with exponential growth in two dimensions"
    Jacques Giacomoni, Université de Pau (France)
    January 28, 2010, at 16.30 hr.
    Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209), Faculty of Mathematics, UCM
    Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Researcg Group MOMAT, and IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

  • "Modelos matemáticos y fenómenos no lineales"
    Jorge Alberto González, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (Venezuela)
    January 12, 14, 19 and 21, 2010, at 15.30 hr.
    Place: Seminar Alberto Dou (room 209)
    Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Grant Modelización y Simulación en el Cálculo Fraccionario y de la Atmósfera de Marte, and  IMI - Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute

  • COURSE: La exploración de Marte
    Luis Vázquez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) and Héctor Guerrero, INTA (Spain)
    Alexander Lipatov, IKI; Alvaro Giménez, CSIC y ESA; Ari-Matti Harri, FMI; Bruce P. Block, Univ. Michigan; Diedrich Möhlmann, DLR; Diego Fernández, Arquimea; Diego Rodríguez, SENER; Eva Díaz, INTA; Fernando López, Univ. Carlos III; Fernando Rull, Univ. Valladolid; Francesca Esposito, INAF-OAC; Francisco Valero, Univ. Complutense; François Forget, LMD-IPSL-CNRS; Gracia Rodríguez-Caderot, Univ. Complutense; Ignacio Arruego, INTA; Ildefonso Díaz, Univ. Complutense; Jaime Sánchez, INTA; James A. Slavin, GSFC-NASA; Jesús Rodríguez, Univ. Rey Juan Carlos; Jorge Vago, ESAESTEC; José J. López, IAA-CSIC; José Torres, INTA; Juan Barbero, Alter Technology Group; Jussi Leinonen, FMI; Lola Sabau, INTA; Luigi Colangeli, INAF-OAC; Luis Castañer, Univ. Politécnica de Cataluña; Luis Moreno, Univ. Carlos III; Manuel Serrano, CDTI; Marina Díaz-Michelena, INTA; Marta Folgueira, Univ. Complutense; Miguel Herraiz, Univ. Complutense; Nilton O. Renno, Univ. Michigan; Oleg Korablev, IKI; Pilar Romero, Univ. Complutense; Rafael Pérez, INTA; Salvador Jiménez, Univ. Politécnica Madrid; Sandro M. Radicella, ICTP; Veronique Dehant, ROB; Víctor Reglero, Univ. Valencia y MICINN; Vyacheslav Linkin, IKI; Walter Schmidt, FMI.
    Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (Ministerio de Defensa); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; Instituto de Investigación P. J. de Lastanosa (Universidad Carlos III); Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
    July 13-17, 2009.
    Place: El Escorial, Madrid, Spain


Research Groups:

Research Grants:

Modelización, análisis y control de EDPs (2012 - 2015)

PI: Jesús Ildefonso Díaz

Code: MTM2011-22119

Funding source: MICINN, Spanish government


Matemáticas para el avance interdisciplinar en altas presiones, sanidad animal y otros temas de interés científico y tecnológico (2012 - 2014)

PI: Ángel Manuel Ramos del Olmo

Code: MTM2011-22658

Funding source: MICINN, Spanish government


Participación Científica en la Misión a Marte MEIGA-METNET PRECURSOR" (2012-2014)
PI: Luis Vázquez
Code: AYA2011-29967-C5-02

Funding source: MICINN, Spanish government


Fronts and Interfaces in Science and Technology - FIRST (2010- 2013)

PI: Ildefonso Díaz

Code: PITN-GA-2009-238702

Funding source: European Union, 7FP  (Initial training network)


Quimapres. Química a alta presión (2010-2013)
PI: Valentín García Baonza, from Momat Group: Ángel Manuel Ramos del Olmo
Code: MTM2008-04621

Funding source: Madrid Region government


Ecuaciones en derivadas parciales en ciencia y tecnología (2009-2011)
PI: Jesús Ildefonso Díaz
Code: MTM2008-06208

Funding source: MICINN, Spanish government

Problemas directos e inversos en Biología e Ingeniería (Red temática de colaboración académica entre la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y la Universidad de Alicante (2010-)
PI: Ángel Manuel Ramos del Olmo
Code: PROMEP/103.5/09/1265

Participación Científica en la Misión a Marte MEIGA-METNET PRECURSOR" (2010-2011)
PI: Luis Vázquez
Code: AYA2009-14212-C05-05/ESP

Funding source: MICINN, Spanish government


Un modelo mátemático híbrido para la difusión de enfermedades (2010-2011)
PI: Benjamín Ivorra
Code: CONS-C6-0356

Funding source: MICINN, Spanish government


Modelización matemática en tecnología agroalimentaria y sanidad animal (2009-2011)
PI: Ángel Manuel Ramos del Olmo
Code: MTM2008-04621

Funding source: MICINN, Spanish government


Modelling Week (June 2010)
Ángel Manuel Ramos del Olmo
Code: CONS-C5-0280 

Funding source: MICINN, Spanish government

Participación en la Misión a Marte MEIGA-METNET PRECURSOR (2009)
PI: Luis Vázquez
Code: AYA2008-06420-C04-03/ESP

Funding source: MICINN, Spanish government


El Ciclo de Humedad en la Superficie de Marte. Acción Complementaria.
PI: Luis Vázquez.
Code: ESP2007-30487-E

Funding source: MICINN, Spanish government

Análisis matemático, optimización y control de procesos para el tratamiento de alimentos por altas presiones (2007 - 2008)
Ángel Manuel Ramos
Funding source: MICINN, Spanish government

Modelos en ecuaciones en derivadas parciales no lineales
PI: Jesús Ildefonso Díaz

Modelos fraccionarios de evaluación
PI: Luis Vázquez
Reference: MTM2005-05573 (2005-2008)