
Principales publicaciones

N. Antonyan, S. Antonyan, E. Martín-Peinador, "Equivariant embeddings of metrizable proper G-spaces", Topology and its Applications 163, pp. 11–24 (2014).

J.M. Díaz Nieto y E. Martín Peinador, "Characteristics of the Mackey Topology for Abelian Topological Groups". J. C. Ferrando and M. López-Pellicer (eds.), Descriptive Topology and Functional Analysis, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 80, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05224-3_7, ©Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.

D. Dikranjan, E. Martín-Peinador, V. Tarieladze, "Countable powers of compact Abelian gropus in the uniform topology and cardinality of their dual groups", arXiv:1305.7369v1 [math.GN] (31 May 2013).

M.J. Chasco, D. Dikranjan, E. Martín-Peinador, "A survey on reflexivity of abelian topological groups", Topology and its Applications 159, pp. 2290–2309 (2012).

D. Dikranjan, E. Martín-Peinador and V. Tarieladze, "Group valued null sequences and metrizable non-Mackey groups", Forum Math, DOI 10.1515/forum-2011-0099 (2012).

M. J. Chasco, E. Martín Peinador, "An approach to duality on Abelian precompact groups"Journal of Group Theory 11, pp. 635-643 (2008).

J. Kakol, M. López Pellicer, E. Martín Peinador, V. Tarieladze, "Lindelof spaces C(X) over topological groups"Forum Math.  20, pp. 201-212 (2008).

J. Kakol, E. Martín Peinador, S. Moll, “A characterization of  K-analyticity of groups of continuous homomorphisms". Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, (3) Vol. 14, (2008).

M. J. Chasco, E. Martín-Peinador, V. Tarieladze, "A class of angelic sequential non-Frechet-Urysohn topological groups", Topology and its Applications 154, pp. 741-748 (2007).

D. Dikranjan, E. Martín Peinador, V. Tarieladze, "Conway’s question: the chaise for completeness"Applied Categorical Structures 15, pp. 511-539 (2007).

M. Bruguera, E. Martín Peinador, V. Tarieladze, "Eberlein-Smulyan theorem for abelian topological groups", J. London Math. Soc. (2) 70, pp. 341-355 (2004).

M. Bruguera, E. Martín-Peinador, "Banach Dieudonné theorem revisited", J. Aust. Math. Soc. 75, 1, pp. 69-83 (2003).

E. Martín-Peinador, V. Tarieladze, "A property of Dunford-Pettis type in topological groups", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 132, number 6, pp. 1827-1837 (2003).

M. Bruguera, M. J. Chasco, E. Martín-Peinador, V. Tarieladze, "Completeness properties of  locally quasi-convex groups". Proceedings of the International School of Mathematics "G. Stampacchia" (Erice, 1998). Topology Appl. 111, no. 1-2, pp. 81-93 (2001).

M. J. Chasco, E. Martín-Peinador, "On strongly reflexive topological groups", Appl. Gen. Topol. 2, no. 2, pp. 219-226 (2001).

W. Banaszczyk, E. Martín-Peinador, "Weakly pseudocompact subsets of nuclear groups", Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 138, pp. 99-106 (1999).

M. J. Chasco, E. Martín-Peinador, V. Tarieladze, "On Mackey topology for groups", Studia Math. 132, pp. 257-284 (1999).

W. Banaszczyk, E. Martín Peinador, "The Glicksberg Theorem on Weakly Compact Sets for Nuclear Gropus", Papers on General Topology and Applications, Volume 788 of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 34-39 (1996).

M. Bruguera, E. Martín-Peinador, "Open subgroups, compact subgroups and Binz-Butzmann reflexivity". Topology Appl. 72, no. 2, pp. 101-111 (1996).

E. Martín-Peinador, "A Reflexive Admissible Topological Group must be Locally Compact", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 123, No. 11, pp. 3563-3566 (Nov. 1995).

W. Banaszczyk, M. J. Chasco, E. Martín-Peinador, "Open subgroups and Pontryagin duality", Mathematische Zeitschrift, 215, pp. 195-204 (1994).

M.J. Chasco & E. Martín Peinador, "Binz-Butzmann duality versus Pontryagin duality", Arch Math., Vol. 63, pp. 264-270 (1994).

E. Martín Peinador, "Some summability properties of operators on a separable Banach space", Arch Math., Vol. 55, pp. 584-587 (1990).

E. Martín, E. Induráin, A. Plans and A. Rodes, "Two geometric constants for operators acting on a separable Banach space", REVISTA MATEMÁTICA de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid Volumen 1, números 1, 2, 3, pp. 23-30 (1988).

E. Martín-Peinador, "On the set of bounded linear operators transforming a certain sequence of a Hilbert space into an absolutely summable one", Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai, 23, Topology, Budapest, Hungary (1978).

E. Martín Peinador, "Construcción de la topología de la convergencia débil en el espacio de Hilbert", Revista Matemática Hispano-Americana, 4ª Serie, Tomo XXXIV, núms. 4-5, pp. 221-229 (1974).

Otras publicaciones

D. de la Barrera y E. Martín Peinador, "Estructuras de grupo topológico en (Z; +)^1", Boletín de la Sociedad “Puig Adam” de Profesores de Matemáticas, pp. 54-69 1-X-2013 ISSN 1135-0261.

A. Plans y E. Martín Peinador, "Sistemas L de rayos y sumabilidad", Contribuciones matemáticas: Libro-homenaje al profesor Francisco Botella Raduán. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, pp. 203-218 (1986).

E. Cillero, E. Martín-Peinador, "Sobre algunos espacios de funciones continuas en el círculo unidad", Mathematical Contributions in honor of Professor Enrique Outerelo Domínguez (Spanish), pp. 77–89, Homen. Univ. Complut., Editorial Complutense, Madrid (2004).

C. Bessaga, B. Hernando Boto and E. Martín Peinador, "An introduction to nuclear spaces", Monografías de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales, Seminar, n. 9 (1994).

E. Martín Peinador, "Normality on Topological Groups", Contribuciones matemáticas en honor a Juan Tarrés. UCM, Madrid, pp. 287-293 (2012).

Libros editados

Sergio Ardanza-Trevijano, Maria Jesús Chasco, Karl H. Hofmann, Elena Martín Peinador and Dmitri Shakhmatov, "Algebra meets Topology: Special Issue on Dikran Dikranjan's 60th Bithday". Topology and Appl. Vol. 159, Issue 9, Pag. 2233-2556, 2012. ISSN: 0166-8641.

E. Martín Peinador y J. Núñez, "Current results and problems on nuclear groups and Lie groups (Proceedings of the workshop "Topological groups and Lie groups)". Heldermann. Research and Exposition in Mathematics series, n 24, 2002. ISBN: 3-88538-224-5.

E. Martín Peinador y A. Rodés, "Contribuciones Matemáticas. Homenaje al Profesor Plans". Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 1990.

E. Martín Peinador and A. Rodés, "Geometrical Aspects of Banch Spaces". London Mathematical Society, Lecture notes series 140. Cambridge University Press, 1989. Reedición digital: 2007: ISBN 978-0-521-36752-3.