Herreras O., Torres D., Martín-Vázquez G., Hernández-Recio S., López-Madrona V.J., Benito N., Makarov V.A., Makarova J. “Site-dependent shaping of field potential waveforms”, Cerebral Cortex 1-15, 2022. [link]

Makarov V.A., Lobov S.A., Shchanikov S., Mikhaylov A., and Kazantsev V.B. “Toward reflective spiking neural networks exploiting memristive devices”, Front. Comput. Neurosci. 16:859874, 2022. [pdf]

Hramov A.E., Koronovskii A.A., Makarov V.A., Maksimenko V.A., Pavlov A.N., Sitnikova E. Wavelets in Neuroscience (second edition). Springer, 384 p., 2021; ISBN 978-3-030-75991-9.

Lobov S.A., Zharinov A.I., Makarov V.A., and Kazantsev V.B. “Spatial memory in a spiking neural network with robot embodiment”, Sensors, 21, 2678, 2021. [pdf]

Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Calvo Tapia C, Diez-Hermano S., Sanchez-Jimenez A., Lobov S., Krilova N., Murciano A., Lopez-Tolsa G., Pellon R., and Makarov V.A. “Static internal representation of dynamic situations reveals time compaction in human cognition”, Journal of Advanced Research, 28, 111-125, 2021. [pdf]

Calvo Tapia C., Tyukin I., and Makarov V.A. “Universal principles justify the existence of concept cells”, Scientific Reports, 10, 7889, 2020. [pdf], (supplementary)

Lobov S.A., Mikhaylov A.N., Shamshin M., Makarov V.A., and Kazantsev V.B. “Spatial properties of STDP in a self-learning spiking neural network enable controlling a mobile robot”, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, 88, 2020. [pdf]

Calvo Tapia C., Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Diez-Hermano S., Khoruzhko M., Lobov S.A., Potapov I., Sanchez-Jimenez A., and Makarov V.A. “Semantic knowledge representation for strategic interactions in dynamic situations”, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 14, 4, 2020. [pdf]

Gorban A.N., Makarov V.A., and Tyukin I.Y. “High-dimensional brain in a high-dimensional world: Blessing of dimensionality”, Entropy, 22, 82, 2020. [pdf]

Calvo Tapia C., Makarov V.A., and van Leeuwen C. “Basic principles drive self-organization of brain-like connectivity structure”, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 82, 105065, 2020. [pdf] .

Gorban A.N., Makarov V.A., and Tyukin I.Y. “Symphony of high-dimensional brain: Reply to comments on "The unreasonable effectiveness of small neural ensembles in high-dimensional brain"”, Physics of Life Reviews, 29, 115-119, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plrev.2019.06.003 [pdf]

Torres D., Makarova J., Ortuño T., Benito N., Makarov V.A., and Herreras O. “Local and volume-conducted contributions to cortical field potentials”, Cerebral Cortex, 29(12) 5234-5254, 2019. [link]

Gorban A.N., Makarov V.A., and Tyukin I.Y. “The unreasonable effectiveness of small neural ensembles in high-dimensional brain”, Physics of Life Reviews, 29, 55-88, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.plrev.2018.09.005 [pdf]

Tyukin I., Gorban A.N., Calvo C., Makarova J., and Makarov V.A. “High-dimensional brain: A tool for encoding and rapid learning of memories by single neurons”, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81, 4856-4888, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s11538-018-0415-5 [pdf]

Calvo-Tapia C., Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Kastalskiy I., Diez-Hermano S., Sanchez-Jimenez A., and Makarov V.A. “Cognitive neural network driving DoF-scalable limbs in time-evolving situations”, 2018 Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN.2018.8489562, 2018. [pdf]

Calvo Tapia C., Tyukin I.Y., and Makarov V.A. “Fast social-like learning of complex behaviors based on motor motifs”, Physical Review E 97(5), 052308, 2018. [preprint] [pdf]

Lobov S., Krilova N., Kastalskiy I., Kazantsev V., and Makarov V.A. “Latent factors limiting the performance of sEMG-interfaces”, Sensors 18(4), 1122, 2018. [pdf]

Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Calvo C., Lobov S., and Makarov V.A. “Limb movement in dynamic situations based on generalized cognitive maps”, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 12(4), 15-29, 2017. [pdf]

Lobov S.A., Zhuravlev M.O., Makarov V.A., Kazantsev V.B. “Noise enhanced signaling in STDP driven spiking-neuron network”, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 12(4), 109-124, 2017. [pdf]

Lobov S., Kazantsev V., and Makarov V.A. “Spiking neurons as universal building blocks for hybrid systems”, Advanced Science Letters 22(10), 2633-2637, 2016.

Calvo C., Gallego V., Selskii A., and Makarov V.A. “Learning connectivity structure in a chain of network motifs”, Advanced Science Letters 22(10), 2647-2651, 2016.

Calvo C., Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Mironov V.I., Gallego V., and Makarov V.A. “Waves in isotropic totalistic cellular automata: Application to real-time robot navigation”, Advances in Complex Systems 19(4) 1650012-18, 2016. [pdf]

Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Calvo C., and Makarov V.A. “¿Es la biomimética el futuro de la robótica?”, Boletín del CDL de Madrid 264, 17-18, 2016. [pdf]

Lobov S., Krilova N., Kastalskiy I., Kazantsev V., and Makarov V.A. “A human-computer interface based on electromyography command-proportional control”, Proc. 4th Int. Cong. Neurotechnix 1:49(14), 57-64, 2016. [pdf]

Makarov V.A., Calvo C., Gallego V., and Selskii A. “Synchronization of heteroclinic circuits through learning in chains of neural motifs”, IFAC-PapersOnLine 49(14), 80–83, 2016. [pdf]

Benito N., Martin-Vazquez G., Makarova J., Makarov V.A., and Herreras O. “The right hippocampus leads the bilateral integration of gamma-parsed lateralized information”, eLife 5:e16658, doi: 10.7554/eLife.16658, 2016. [pdf]

Selskii A. and Makarov V.A. “Synchronization of heteroclinic circuits through learning in coupled neural networks”, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 21(1), 97-106, 2016. [pdf]

Martin-Vazquez G., Benito N., Makarov V.A., Herreras O., and Makarova J. “Diversity of LFPs activated in different target regions by a common CA3 input”, Cerebral Cortex 26(10), 4082-4100, 2016. [link]

Herreras O., Makarova J., and Makarov V.A. “New uses of LFPs: Pathway-specific threads obtained through spatial discrimination”, Neuroscience 310, 486-503, 2015. [link]

Makarov V.A., Calvo C., Villacorta-Atienza J.A., and Velarde M.G. “El GPS dinámico del cerebro nos acerca al diseño de robots inteligentes”, Red.escubre 43, 5-8, 2015. [pdf]

Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Calvo C., and Makarov V.A. “Prediction-for-CompAction: Navigation in social environments using generalized cognitive maps”, Biological Cybernetics, 109(3), 307-320, 2015. [pdf]

Hramov A.E., Koronovskii A.A., Makarov V.A., Pavlov A.N., Sitnikova E. Wavelets in Neuroscience. Springer, 322 p., 2014; ISBN 978-3-662-43849-7.

Makarova J., Ortuño T., Korovaichuk A., Cudeiro J., Makarov V.A., Rivadulla C., and Herreras O. “Can pathway-specific LFPs be obtained in cytoarchitectonically complex structures?”, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8:66, doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2014.00066, 2014. [pdf]

Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Velarde M.G., and Makarov V.A. “Compact internal representation of dynamic environments: Simple memory structures for complex situations”. In: Spatial Temporal Patterns for Action-Oriented Perception in Roving Robots II, V. 21, pp. 83-100, 2014.

Strauss R., Flethe S., Villacorta J.A., Makarov V.A., Velarde M.G., Patane L., Arena P. “Roving robots gain from an orientation algorithm of fruit flies and predict a fly decision-making algorithm”, Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems 433-435, 2014.

Benito N., Fernandez-Ruiz A., Makarov V.A., Makarova J., Korovaichuk A., and Herreras O. “Spatial modules of coherent activity in pathway-specific LFPs in the hippocampus reflect topology and different modes of presynaptic synchronization”, Cerebral Cortex 24(7), 1738-1752, 2014. [pdf]

Короновский А.А., Макаров В.А., Павлов А.Н., Ситникова Е.Ю., Храмов А.Е. Вейвлеты в нейродинамике и нейрофизиологии. М.: Физматлит, 269 c. 2013. ISBN 978-5-9221-1498-1.

Martin-Vazquez G., Makarova J., Makarov V.A., and Herreras O. “Determining the true polarity and amplitude of synaptic currents underlying gamma oscillations of local field potentials”, PLoS ONE 8(9): e75499. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075499, 2013. [pdf]

Fernandez-Ruiz A., Munoz S., Sancho M., Makarova J., Makarov V.A., and Herreras O. “Cytoarchitectonic and dynamic origins of giant positive LFPs in the Dentate Gyrus”, The Journal of Neuroscience 33(39), 15518-15532, 2013. [pdf]

Makarova J., Herreras O., and Makarov V.A. “Inferring network model from local field potentials”, BMC Neuroscience 14, P255, 2013.

Villacorta-Atienza J.A. and Makarov V.A. “Neural network architecture for cognitive navigation in dynamic environments”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 24(12), 2075 - 2087, 2013. [pdf]

Villacorta-Atienza J.A. and Makarov V.A. “Neuronal chains as processing units of long scale wave information”, BMC Neuroscience 14, P256, 2013.

Del Rio E., Elaskar S., and Makarov V.A. “Theory of intermittency applied to classical pathological cases”, Chaos 23, 033112, 2013. [pdf]

Villacorta-Atienza J.A. and Makarov V.A. “Wave-processing of long-scale information by neuronal chains”, PLoS ONE 8(2): e57440. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0057440, 2013. [pdf]

Fernandez-Ruiz A., Makarov V.A., and Herreras O. “Sustained increase of spontaneous input and spike transfer in the CA3-CA1 pathway following long term potentiation in vivo”, Frontiers in Neural Circuits 6:71, doi: 10.3389/fncir.2012.00071, 2012. [pdf]

Pavlov A.N., Hramov A.E., Koronovskii A.A., Sitnikova E.Yu., Makarov V.A., Ovchinnikov A.A. “Wavelet analysis in neurodynamics”, Physics-Uspekhi 55 (9), 845-875, 2012. [pdf]

Fernandez-Ruiz A., Makarov V.A., Benito N., and Herreras O. “Schaffer-specific local field potentials reflect discrete excitatory events at gamma-frequency that may fire postsynaptic hippocampal CA1 units”, The Journal of Neuroscience 32, 5165-5176, 2012. [pdf]

Makarov V.A., Tejada J., and Arregi M. “The V Modelling Week at the Complutense University of Madrid”, ECMI Newsletter 50, 4-5, 2011. [pdf]

Villacorta-Atienza, J. A., Salas L., Alba L., Velarde M.G., and Makarov V.A. “Compact internal representation as a protocognitive scheme for robots in dynamic environments”, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8068, 2011.

Salas-Paracuellos L., Alba L., Villacorta-Atienza J.A., and Makarov V.A. “FPGA implementation of a modified FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron based causal neural network for compact internal representation of dynamic environments”, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8068, 2011. [pdf]

Makarova J., Ibarz J.M., Makarov V.A., Benito N., and Herreras O. “Parallel readout of pathway-specific inputs to laminated brain structures”, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 5:77, doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2011.00077, 2011. [pdf]

Makarov V.A. and Villacorta-Atienza J.A. “Compact internal representation as a functional basis for protocognitive exploration of dynamic environments”, In Recurrent Neural Networks for Temporal Data Processing (Eds.: H. Cardot, INTECH), pp. 81-102, 2011. [pdf]

Korovaichuk A., Makarova J., Makarov V.A., Benito N., and Herreras O. “Minor contribution of principal excitatory pathways to hippocampal LFPs in the anesthetized rat: a combined independent component and current source density study”, J. Neurophysiology 104, 484-497, 2010. [pdf]

Villacorta-Atienza J.A., Velarde M.G., and Makarov V.A. “Compact internal representation of dynamic situations: Neural network implementing the causality principle”, Biological Cybernetics 103, 285-297, 2010. [pdf]

Makarova J., Makarov V.A., and Herreras O. “Generation of sustained field potentials by gradients of polarization within single neurons: a macroscopic model of spreading depression”, J. Neurophysiology 103, 2446-2457, 2010. [pdf]

Makarov V.A., Makarova J., and Herreras O. “Disentanglement of local field potential sources by independent component analysis”, J. Computational Neuroscience 29, 445-457, 2010. [pdf]

Makarov V.A., Pavlov A.N., Tupitsyn A., Panetsos F., and Moreno A. “Stability of neural firing in the trigeminal nuclei under mechanical whisker stimulation”, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience doi: 10.1155/2010/340541, 2010. [pdf]

Malmierca E., Castellanos N.P., Nuñez A., Makarov V.A., and Nuñez A. “Neuron synchronization in the rat gracilis nucleus facilitates sensory transmission in the somatosensory pathway”, Eur. J. Neuroscience 30, 593-601, 2009. [pdf]

Song Y., Makarov V.A., and Velarde M.G. “Stability switches, oscillatory multistability, and spatio-temporal patterns of nonlinear oscillations in Recurrently Delay Coupled Neural Networks”, Biological Cybernetics 101, 147-167, 2009. [pdf]

Tupitsyn A.N., Pavlov A.N., and Makarov V.A. “Separation of extracellular spikes with wavelets and neural networks”, Proc. SPIE, vol. 7176, 2009.

Velarde M.G., Makarov V.A., Castellanos N.P., Song Y. L., and Lombardo D. “Mathematical approach to sensory motor control and memory, Spatial Temporal Patterns for Action Oriented Perception”, In Spatial Temporal Patterns for Action Oriented Perception in Roving Robots (Eds.: P. Arena and L. Patane, Springer-Verlag, Berlin), pp. 219-268, 2009.

Malmierca E., Castellanos N.P., Makarov V.A., and Nuñez A. “Corticofugal modulation of tactile responses of neurons in the spinal trigeminal nucleus. A mathematical analysis”, In: Advancing Artificial Intelligence through Biological Process Applications (Eds: A.B. Porto, A. Pazos, and W. Buño, Idea group inc), pp. 1-19, 2009.

Castellanos N. P., Lombardo D., Makarov V. A., Velarde M. G., and Arena P. “Quimiotaxis, infotaxis y memotaxis estrategias de exploración y supervivencia”, Revista Española de Física 22(3), 42-46, 2008.

Makarov V. A., Pavlov A. N., and Tupitsyn A. N. “Spike sorting based on the parametric wavelet analysis with adaptive filtering”, Digital Signal Processing 3, 26-31, 2008.

Makarov V. A., Song Y., Velarde M. G., Hubner D., and Cruse H. “Elements for a general memory structure: Properties of recurrent neural networks used to form situation models”, Biological Cybernetics 98(5), 371-395, 2008. [pdf]

Makarov V. A., Schmidt K. E., Castellanos N. P., Lopez-Aguado L., and Innocenti G. M. “Stimulus-dependent interaction between the visual areas of the two hemispheres”, Cerebral Cortex 18(8):1951-1960, 2008. [pdf]

Makarov V. A., Pavlov A. N., and Tupitsyn A. N. “Optimal sorting of neural spikes with wavelet and filtering techniques”, Proc. SPIE, vol. 6855, 2008. [pdf]

Castellanos N. P., Makarov V. A., Sánchez-Ramos C., and Panetsos F. “Novel EEG artifact removal method based on Independent Component Analysis and Wavelet transform”, J. Mapfre Medicine 18- II, 2-9, 2007.

Castellanos N. P., Malmierca E., Nuñez A., and Makarov V. A. “Corticofugal modulation of the tactile response coherence of projecting neurons in the gracilis nucleus”, J. Neurophysiol. 98, 2537-2549, 2007. [pdf]

Castellanos N. P., Makarov V. A., Patane L., and Velarde M. G. “Sensory-motor neural loop discovering statistical dependences among imperfect sensory perception and motor response” Proc. of SPIE, 6592, 65920I-10, 2007.

Makarov V. A., Del Rio E., Bedia M. G., Velarde M. G., and Ebeling W. “Central pattern generator incorporating the actuator dynamics for a hexapod robot”, Int. J. Applied Math. & Comp. Sci. 3(2), 97-102, 2007. [pdf]

Pavlov A. N., Makarov V. A., Makarova I., and Panetsos F. “Sorting of extracellular spikes: When wavelet based methods outperform the principle component analysis”, Natural Computing 6, 269-281, 2007. [pdf]

Pavlov A. N, Tupitsyn A. N., Makarov V. A., Panetsos F. Moreno A., Garcia-Gonzalez V., and Sanchez-Jimenez A. “Tactile information processing in the trigeminal complex of the rat”, Proc. of SPIE, 6436, 64360R-8, 2007.

Pavlov A. N., Makarov V. A., Mosekilde E., and Sosnovtseva O. V. “Application of wavelet-based tools to study the dynamics of biological processes”, Briefings in Bioinformatics 7, 375-389, 2006. [pdf]

Castellanos N. P. and Makarov V. A. “Recovering EEG brain signals: Artifact suppression with wavelet enhanced independent component analysis”, J. Neuroscience Methods 158, 300-312, 2006. [pdf]

Pavlov A. N., Dumsky D. V., Tupitsyn A. N., Pavlova O. N., Panetsos F., and Makarov V. A. “Wavelet analysis in application to studying spike separation and information encoding in neuron dynamics”, Proc. of SPIE 6085, 127-134, 2006.

Makarov V. A. and Castellanos N. P. “Inferring the dynamics of "hidden" neurons from electrophysiological recordings”, Trans. Engn., Computing and Tech. 15, 31-36, 2006.

Makarov V. A., Velarde M. G., Chetverikov A. P., and Ebeling W. “Anharmonicity and its significance to non-Ohmic electric conduction”, Physical Review E 73, 066626(1)-(12), 2006. [pdf]

Castellanos N. P., Makarov V. A., Sanchez-Ramos C., and Panetsos F. “Determining brain connectivity patterns in presence of artifacts using EEG”, J. Mapfre Medicine 17, 273-279, 2006.

Makarov V. A., Castellanos N. P., and Velarde M. G. “Simple agents benefit only from simple brains”, Trans. Engn., Computing and Tech. 15, 25-30, 2006.

Makarov V. A., Panetsos F., and de Feo O. “A method for determining neural connectivity and inferring the underlying network dynamics using extracellular spike recordings”, J. Neuroscience Methods 144, 265-279, 2005. [pdf]

Velarde M. G., Nekorkin V. I., Makarov V. A., Makarenko V. I., and Llinas R. R. “Clustering behavior in a three-layer lattice system mimicking olivo-cerebellar dynamics”, Neural Networks 17, 191-203, 2004. [pdf]

Del Rio E., Makarov V. A., Velarde M. G., and Ebeling W. “Mode transitions and wave propagation in a driven-dissipative Toda-Rayleigh ring”, Physical Review E 67, 056208-056217, 2003. [pdf]

Huang G.-X., Makarov V. A., and Velarde M. G. “Two-dimensional solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates with a disk-shaped trap”, Physical Review A 67, 023604-023616, 2003. [pdf]

Del Rio E., Makarov V. A., Ebeling W., and Velarde M. G. “Experimental study of a noisy dissipative-driven ring lattice with Morse interactions“, Proc. SPIE, 5114, 318-326, 2003.

Wei J. J., Velarde M. G., and Makarov V. A. “Oscillatory phenomena and stability of periodic solutions in a simple neural network with delay”, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 5, 407-417, 2002. [pdf]

Llinas R. R. and Makarov V. A. “Brain-machine interface via a neurovascular approach”, In "Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance. Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science" (Eds. M. C. Roco and W. S. Bainbridge, Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 244-251, 2002.

Dunkel J., Ebeling W., Erdmann U., and Makarov V. A. “Coherent motions and clusters in a dissipative Morse ring chain”, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 12, 2359-2378, 2002. [pdf]

Makarov V. A. “Nonlinear dynamics of two lattice systems”, In "Attractors, Signals, and Synergetics" (Ed. W. Klonowski, Pabst, Lengerich), pp. 80-113, 2002.

Velarde M. G., Makarov V. A., and Llinas R. R. “Modelling cerebellar dynamics”, "Emergent Nature. Patterns, Growth and Scaling in the Sciences" (Ed. M.M. Novak, World Scientific, London), pp. 1-19, 2001.

Makarov V. A., Nekorkin V. I., and Velarde M. G. “Spiking behavior in a noise-driven system combining oscillatory and excitatory properties”, Physical Review Letters 86, 3431-3434, 2001. [pdf]

Huang G.-X., Velarde M. G., and Makarov V. A. “Dark solitons and their head-on collisions in Bose-Einstein condensates”, Physical Review A 64, 013617-013628, 2001. [pdf]

Makarov V. A., Nekorkin V. I., and Velarde M. G. “Phase resetting, clusters, and waves in a lattice of coupled oscillatory units”, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 109-122, 2001. [pdf]

Makarov V. A., Del Rio E., Ebeling W., and Velarde M. G. “Dissipative Toda-Rayleigh lattice and its oscillatory modes“, Physical Review E 64, 36601-36615, 2001. [pdf]